Hello everyone! Thank you for your interest in seeking a scholarship for studying thru Sunset Online. We are undergoing some changes in the way our scholarship program works. This will unfortunately cause some delays. However, we will be reaching out to you.


Online Courses Scholarships

Sunset International Bible Institute is able to offer scholarships for online courses to some students who meet select criteria. Scholarships are available for prospective students outside of the United States who otherwise are not financially able to take credit courses online. These scholarships are available for credit or certificate enrollments only, not for audit.

See below: "How do I apply for a scholarship?"

To the prospective student --

We are delighted to hear that you have a desire to increase your knowledge of God's Word and to become a better equipped minister in His kingdom. It is our desire to assist you in this endeavor and know that, together, we can spread the "aroma of Christ" throughout the world.

International School Availability

We here at Sunset International Bible Institute want to provide for you the highest quality of biblical training possible. It may be that we have a "Branch School" in your area and available for you to attend, which would be more beneficial to you in obtaining your biblical education. Please go to the following Internet address to see where we have SIBI Partner Schools and other suggested schools for Bible and world evangelism training:


If there is not a school in your area listed at the above address, we invite you to study with us as an online student. All our courses are in the English language. In order for you to successfully study online you will need a good understanding of the English language.

Should I Apply for a Scholarship?

The normal cost for our online courses is $135 USD per credit course. Many people are able to afford these reasonable costs for quality online courses. However, we realize that many outside the United States, may not be able to afford these costs. For such people, we offer this scholarship opportunity. Students applying for scholarships will be asked to explain why they want/need to be considered for a scholarship to offset the normal cost of our courses.

Note that scholarships are only offered for students wanting to pursue courses for credit or certificate. Audit courses, which are $25 per course, do not have scholarships.

Scholarship Requirements - located in the scholarship application form:

  1. As a scholarship student, I am required to adhere to the Student Policies (link is located in the Student Portal).
  2. As a scholarship student, failing one course (grade below 70%) will result in a one-year suspension of my scholarship.
  3. As a scholarship student, failing two courses (grades below 70%) will result in the termination of my scholarship.
  4. As a scholarship student, only one extension per course will be allowed and granted on a case-by-case review. Failure to complete the course after the extension will result in the termination of my scholarship.
  5. As a scholarship student, I am required to be an active student. If I go inactive for a period of one year, my scholarship will be terminated.
  6. As a scholarship student, I am responsible for having adequate internet capabilities to view courses and materials that are provided over the internet.
  7. If my scholarship was terminated, for any reason other than for disciplinary reasons found in the student policies, I may reapply after one year from the time of termination.
  8. I understand that this scholarship application is good for one year from the date it is submitted. If it is over one year, I must resubmit all necessary forms.

How Do I Apply for a Scholarship?

The application process involves the following steps:

  1. Fill out and submit the Student Application Form.
    This form allows us to get to know you and makes it possible for us to understand your background and circumstances.
  2. Fill out and submit the Student Scholarship Application.
    This form allows us to get to know you and makes it possible for us to understand your background and circumstances.
  3. Have three people submit the Scholarship Recommendation Form.
    Along with your application form, we also need recommendations from at least three people that we know and trust. For example, you could ask a missionary or a well-known and respected Christian to fill out a recommendation for you. For international students, one of these three recommendations should come from someone who lives in the United States who knows you.
  4. Acceptance and selection of your course.
    Once we have received your application and two recommendations for you, we will review your application and make a decision. If you are granted a scholarship, you will be notified via email. If you have not already registered for an account, you will need to do so at that time. Finally, you will be enrolled in a course and informed of how you can access it. The choice of which course you will be enrolled in will be made by SunsetOnline staff based on our set curriculum for scholarship students, taking into consideration any previous courses you have already completed if any.

Remember to complete your Student Application Form that all students must complete.

Do you have more questions? Feel free to contact us.

Last modified: Monday, August 26, 2024, 4:32 PM