To enroll in any of these courses, look for the Enrollment in this Course block on the right side (or below the main section on a mobile phone).

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

This course offers a comprehensive study of the four gospels, aiming to provide students with a deep understanding of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Through an in-depth examination of these texts, students will gain valuable insights into the teachings and significance of Jesus during his earthly ministry.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

This course involves an in-depth study of spiritual leadership as developed through spiritual characteristics and leadership principles provided in both the biblical and secular context. This course is designed to deeply research the study of spiritual leadership. It dives into both biblical and secular concepts of leadership and develop application for the church in the twenty-first century.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

Seminar in Counseling explores how Biblical principles in conjunction with a short-term counseling approach can aid ministers in counseling within a congregational setting.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

This course involves an in-depth study of evangelism and missions built on a biblical perspective and practical application as provided in the student's local context. The course is designed to deeply research the study of evangelism and missions. It dives into biblical concepts of evangelism and missions as applied to the church in the twenty-first century, both locally and globally.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

This course explores the Holy Spirit as presented in the New Testament with emphasis on the miraculous, inspirational, and indwelling aspects of His person.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

This course is designed to research deeply. It explores the theme of God’s mission and the interrelationship of salvation threaded throughout the Old and New Testaments. Students will gain a new perspective of how God providentially worked to guide the fulfillment of His promise in Christ, thus establishing His church as the tool to complete His mission on earth that provides salvation to all people from every nation, tribe, and tongue.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

All assignments must be completed by email with the professor.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.

Idividual Study course conducted via email.

Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI Graduate School. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment.