Instructor: Abe Lincoln
Lessons: 24

Action is what it is all about! This study moves, showing the action of both godly and ungodly people as they react to the message of Jesus. The challenge of this study is one of duplicating the enthusiasm and growth of the early church.

This course has been replaced with an updated format. 

Existing enrollments will be completed as scheduled.

New enrollments should use Acts (ST23)

Instructor: Charles Speer
Lessons: 12

This course will provide insight into ways to study the Bible and will suggest some tools with which to enhance your study. Charles Speer methodically takes you step by step through various ways you should approach a study of the Bible.

Instructor: Ed Wharton
Lessons 13

This course specifically addresses the powerful and awesome task of preaching. After discussing the identity, work, and power of a preacher, the instructor models and teaches the technique of outlining and explains several different types of sermons that can be preached. This course includes several recorded sermons as examples for the student to observe.

Instructor: Abe Lincoln
Lessons: 22

The purpose of this first letter to Corinth was two-fold: (1) to correct the problems which existed in that congregation, and (2) to answer questions which they had asked Paul. In this course Abe Lincoln meets these problems and questions head on as he discusses also the underlying principles and solutions that are as relevant today as they were in 55 A.D.

Instructor: Doyle Gilliam
Lessons: 12

These are love letters written by Paul to Christians who were recipients of his and God's love. Faith, hope, and love are major themes in Thessalonians as is the second coming of Christ. In these epistles we get a glimpse of the inner feelings of Paul for his converts.

Intructor: Bob Martin
Lessons: 12

Jesus is the way out of darkness into light. He is the image of the invisible God. All things were created through Him. He is the control center of the body. Jesus is it!... number one! A study of these books will increase your awareness of the greatness of Jesus Christ and of the relationship of His people in the church.

Instructor: Tex Williams
Lessons: 13

These are Paul's letters of practical application to public worship and service, to smoother personal relationships and to sound teaching and good works. This study will clear up questions and open new doors of understanding that challenge and motivate to more dedicated service.

Instructor: Truman Scott
Lessons: 24

This very necessary course looks at the spiritual health of the minister. It helps to prepare those who are going into ministry to take the steps to ensure a long productive service to the body of Christ.

Instructor: Gerald Paden
Lessons: 12

This course explores the many valuable concepts contained in the letters of 1, 2, and 3 John. Areas of study include fellowship with God, love for the brethren and for God, forgiveness of sins, and assurance of salvation.

Instructor: Doyle Gilliam
Lessons: 12

Philippians is a love letter written to a church that loved and provided for the man who brought the gospel to them. Even though in prison, Paul encourages the church to serve God honestly and joyfully and offers himself as an example of Christian living in adversity.