Please note: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon approval by SIBI, as outlined in the Learning Plan provided upon enrollment. Applicants must complete the acceptance process before payment. This course is residential.
Class is Tuesday and Thursday from 9:20-12:00 (CDT)
Course Description:
Mission Execution is exhausting, but an exciting venture of faith that involves the strategically planned process of beginning and growing new local churches, based on Jesus' promise and in obedience to His Great Commission. "The single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven is planting new churches." (C. Peter Wagner) Jesus gave us the great commission to go and make disciples of all nations Matthew 28:18-20. Yet, the world's population is standing at 8 billion inhabitants and growing at an amazingly rapid rate. How will we reach the world's overwhelming population with the "good news" of Jesus Christ? How will we be able to fulfill our mandate to "go into all the world"? One essential element of world evangelism is the planting of new missional churches domestically and internationally.
Missionaries and church planters need to develop clear plans as a critical part of the mission process. This course will provide an opportunity for students to evaluate and formulate plans to launch missional churches domestically or internationally. They will develop a comprehensive overview of the stages and strategies from inception, growth and multiplication that will address the needs of a new missional congregation whether domestic or abroad.
- Teacher: Zane Perkins